Prof. Dr. Benjamin Scheibehenne
- Group: Cognition & Consumer Behavior Lab (IISM)
- scheibehenne ∂does-not-exist.kit edu
Rüppurrer Straße 1A, Haus B, 5. Stock
Gebäude 01.87 (Building of PSD Bank)
76137 Karlsruhe
Benjamin Scheibehenne is a full professor of Cognition and Consumer Behavior at the KIT. He has a background in Experimental Psychology and Marketing and he is interested in how people make decisions in an economic context. Towards this goal, he conducts behavioral experiments and he analyzes empirical data using cognitive models. Professor Scheibehenne's work has appeared in the leading journals in Psychology, Marketing, Management, and Cognitive Sciences, including Psychological Review, Management Science, Psychological Science, Journal of Consumer Research, Journal of Consumer Psychology, Journal of Experimental Psychology-General and Cognitive Psychology. Before joining the KIT he was a full professor of Cognition and Consumer Behavior at the University of Geneva School of Economics and Management in Switzerland (2015-2020), a senior scientist at the University of Basel Center for Economic Psychology (2009-2015), and a Postdoc at the Cognitive Science Department at the University of Indiana in Bloomington (2008-2009). Professor Scheibehenne did his PhD at the Max-Planck-Institute for Human Development in Berlin in 2008 and he graduated from the Department of Psychology at the Humboldt University, Berlin.